Friday 24 November 2017


"Following the significant injuries caused to Lord Marshall Platov, Captain Tartov will be stepping into command the 6th until further notice. Vox message end. Over and out"

Just like that Tartov was commander of a entire regiment, Pity he didn't even know on the way to invade the xeno tricksters in the Eldar. Tartov was sent to oversee the forces on the front.

Tartov was a commander who truly led from the front, hes famed in the 6th for being the first to clash with the enemy and always eager to close with the Xeno champions.

Along with Tartov was a well seasoned Lieutenant called Duka, Duka commanded a Leman Russ battle tank which He and his crew and seen countless campaigns in but Duka was to assist in the overall invasion with Tartov.

The men had landed in the Eldar territory several days ago but had absolutely no contact at all, Duka was sure thr Eldar had fled and Tartov was soon starting to think the same "i know Eldar are weak and cowardly, but to not even give us the honour of battle is truly pathetic" Duka remarked. Tartov stood next to Duka's russ silent, he could sense this is where the Eldar wanted them.

"Ambush!" Tartov ran ro where to the shout had come from and began ordering his guardsman forward desprate to close ranks the Xenos. Duka battened down the hatches and ordered his driver forward, scanning the vision slits in the cupola, Duka saw masses of Jet bikes flying towards the ranks, the Russ creeped towards the guardsman being pinned down by swarming bikes "gunner! Load HE, aim for the mass of the bikers!" As the Russ fired the bikers moved but some were still killed in the blast.

Tartov was ordering men forward, The fighting was intense but short the men had been caught in a ambush and the Eldar were close catching our men in close combat but being Vostroyans close combat was a common thing for the men, they had driven off the bulk of the Eldar but not without losses, 1st & 2nd squad had suffered huge amounts of casualties and 3rd squad was barely holding on but Tartov had claimed his victory for the regiment. As the men were reinforced and resuppling Tartov learnt of the regiment wide vox about Platov and how Tartov would be stepping for the next few months.

Saturday 18 November 2017

Grinding advance

"How long till we Drop Insov!" Platov demanded.

"6 minutes Lord Marshall!" Insov hastily replied.

"Have the men double check the straps on the harnesses, I don't want a repeat of last time!" Platov stood on the gantry of the loading bay watching his men load vehicles and other equipment onto the carriers that would take them to a outpost of the Canis Aureus. The chaos forces here were battling the Tau Sept forces, Platov saw this as a potential to force the Aureous forces to fight on two front.

Platov boarded the carrier with his men and dropped into the void and into the atmosphere the carriers screamed into the atmosphere and headed for the outpost that the Aureus forces held, meanwhile two separte carriers headed to a staging area to get a foot hold in the region.

The carrier had dropped Platov's men at the outpost, Platov was surprised it was very lightly defended and the was taken with ease, but a few hours past Heretical Astartes were spotted coming into view shots began sprayingthe outpost and Platov's vostroyans returning fire on the Aureus forces.

The fighting was intense but brief as the Aureus forces drove the Vostroyans out with little effort, Platov called forward a second wave and crashed his forces back into the outpost fighting was intense casualties began to increase on both sides, as platov was commanding his men two hulking figures stormed towards him and his men the two Astartes cleaved the men infront of Platov. Platov sounded the whistle and ordered a advance onto the Astartes "Fix bayonets! Over the top!" Platov was first out of the line charging into one of the Astartes and clashing with him Platov was badly wounded not before platov used all his might to bury his powerfist in the mans chest as he fell to the floor the second figure slashed Platov down, completely cleaving his right leg from his body the forces of the 6th routed back to the staging area with Their Lord Marshall carried on a stretcher the camp was silent the men waiting to see what would become of Their Lord marshall, wondering if Platov would survive the injuries he has sustained.

Monday 13 November 2017

A clash of Titans

Platov returned to His bunker furious with the defeat to the Tau Sept forces, he summonded His Officers to discuss a new plan of action and settled that taking Mundi's Moon was a must. Platov addressed His Officers "the foul forces of chaos can not be allowed to hold territory so close to Our operation centre! We must strike at them now before they fortify that moon!"

With a swift agreement from the Officers they rushed out to ready the ranks and began to load on to transports within the hour. Platov had always enjoyed seeing His men board to vessels that would take them to the crucible of war "its where vostroyans are forged" was a remark he always made to his troops on the field.

As the troops landed in the ruined hive of Mundi's moon they could smell the stench of death, as the men continued into the hive city they began to see figures shuffling in the ruins. Platov ordered his men to take cover and the figures revealed themselves his troops were wary of the horrors they see, Platov reinforced the troops resolve "steel yourself men take aim and fire at these unholy horrors, the Emperor guides us this day and we will not faulter in his presence!" Hearing their Lords words they began putting the walkers down, volley after volley more fell, Platov ordered his sentinels to press there flank left flank, whilst Platov's left flank began to advance with the support of a leman russ taking huge amount of punishment but killing several marines whilst advancing.

As the Chaos forces fell more and more, the day was to be Platov's before receiving vox calls from the carrier that a storm would be cutting them off in the next 4 hours, running low on ammo and beginning to lose men Platov saw this as no choice but to fall back he had crippled the forces here which was victory in itself! The carriers landed and loads the wounded and the surviving guardsman and vehicles provided cover and began boarding before heading back to orbit.

Saturday 11 November 2017

Boots on the ground

Lord Marshall Platov's 6th Regiment had been summonded to the Chardon sector to relieve the struggling Deathwatch forces and to continue the war in the sector that seems to be going to a full scale combat. 

Platov had been in command for 8 Terran months, The 6th had taken heavy casualties during a Dark eldar raid operation on a vital mining moon, most of the veterans had been lost meaning the 6th was very green in terms of battle experienced troops.

Now he had to take His Regiment to a full scale war and hope they'd find there feet quick in battle. Upon arriving in the sector Platov deemed attacking the vostroyans old rival the Tau would be a good show for his men.

As his men landed and began setting up in positions Tau rifles began cracking around Platov and his command squad, before he coulf even order his men to return fire 4 crisis suit team crashed into the lines, the havoc they caused us meant we were unsuccessful in our assault. 

Platov returned to his command bunker back on Mundi and spoke with His war council to discuss the next move for the 6th Vostroyans.